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  • About Institutional Research
  • SEAAIR Constitution
  • SEAAIR Declaration

  • AIR
  • EAIR
  • AAIR
  • South Africa AIR
  • Dutch AIR
  • Other Affiliated Organizations

    Institutional research has been a feature of US post-secondary education for over 40 years and institutional research in the United States is represented professionally by the Association for Institutional Research (AIR). There are also similar organizations now in Canada, Europe, Australasia and South Africa. A list of these organizations is appended. For more information about the AIR affiliated groups, visit the AIR Affiliated Organizations (AOs).

    The various associations for institutional research worldwide are dedicated to the professional growth of all who participate in decision-making related to higher education via management research, policy analysis and planning. The membership comprises a wide variety of people who work in many different post-secondary areas in educational and training institutions (institutional managers, academics, managers in finance, academic affairs, student services etc) as well as staff in state and federal government departments charged with developing policy and regulating education and training at a system-wide level. In bringing diverse membership together, institutional research associations provide a professional organization where member's viewpoints, concerns and differences are examined in an atmosphere of learning, mutual exchange and professional development.