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  • Sample: Acceptable Abstracts

  • Important Protocols and Instructions:

  • Abstract & Paper General Protocols
  • Abstract Protocols and Formats
  • Full Paper Template
  • Poster Presentation Protocols
  • EasyChair Instruction for Abstracts & Paper Submissions
  • Review of Paper Protocols by SEC
  • Conference Official Language



    The Annual SEAAIR Conference is the Association's annual event where South East Asia institutional research practitioners, scholarly researchers, and higher education decision makers meet to share research and learn from each other. The conference offers SEAAIR members an opportunity to mingle with leaders in the field from all types of institutions. Join us as rising stars and venerated veterans engage in a lively exchange of new ideas, time-proven techniques, and invaluable tricks of the trade.

    In addition, the Annual SEAAIR Proceedings are published as the collection of research articles that contains the contributions made by researchers at the conference and follows the forms and format of "Important Protocols and Instructions" for abstracts, full papers, submissions and presentations. The published articles are accepted through the double blind peer review process to ensure that they are of high quality, reflect solid scholarship in the fields of institutional research or higher education practices, and that the information is accurate and based on sound academically grounded research literature, constructs/measures models, methodologies analysis and discussions.

    The SEAAIR conference proceedings are listed in the EBSCO academic database.

    ISSN: 2774-0773 (Online)

    Historical Backdrops of SEAAIR 20-year Journey

    2020 SEAAIR Conference Video

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